U9 Home

Updated: Oct 2 – 12:00pm

I'd like to thank all the parents for your patience during this process; from getting your player to all their ice times to helping out on the ice... You're all amazing!!

I wanted to just throw some general team info on here for some of you who aren't aware.  Once the teams are formed, a team meeting will take place and this is where you vote on various positions within the team. Each team will need a Head Coach, Assistant Coaches, Trainer, Treasurer, Manager, Jersey Carrier. We have had some volunteers already express interest for positions... Thank you!!

** 24 Hour Rule – When emotion is high, don't let words fly. Stop! Give it 24 Hours before you act. **

** IMPORTANT: No Cell Phones or Picture taking allowed in the Dressing Rooms **

TEAMS - Please look for Team Snap invites... if you haven't gotten them... they're coming.

1st Practice:

A1 & B1 - Monday Oct 2nd - 6:15pm - Fred Barrett

B2 & B3 - Thursday Oct 5th - 6pm - Earl Armstrong 

C1 & C2 - Saturday Oct 7th - 2pm - Earl Armstrong


  • 4 rust-off ice sessions prior to the 3 evaluation ice times will be offered to each child. As mentioned previously rust offs are not mandatory however are highly encouraged.
  • There will be level A, B and C teams formed after the evaluations are complete.
  • The team level that your child lands on will be based on numbered scores that they receive while doing drills during the evaluation ice times only.
    • DISCLAIMER: Friend requests will not be considered at this time.
  • NOTE: Once the scores are tallied there will be A/B bubble and B/C Bubble games with some skaters but not all.

 See you at the Rink!

Maryam Sugrue-Foubert - U9Convenor1@metcalfejets.ca