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Bulletin and Updated Info from the Return to Hockey Task Team

By metcalfejets | Feb 1, 2022 |

Bulletin 2021-22-31 Return Jan 31 Bulletin 2021-22-32 QR Code Requirement HEO VACCINATION POLICY – Revised Jan 31 2022 HEO Return to Hockey Framework – Revised January 31 2022

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Coach of the Week Award

By metcalfejets | Dec 31, 2021 |

Does your team have a coach who deserves recognition for receiving your nomination for the “Coach of the Week” honour? Did a coach do something extraordinary since the beginning of the season? Did they go above and beyond to make sure their players have fun and play in a safe environment? You can now nominate…

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Online 50/50 Draw for 2022 IIHF World Junior Championship

By metcalfejets | Dec 17, 2021 |

The three Ontario Members (HEO, OHF and HNO) have been given the opportunity to partner with Hockey Canada to help facilitate the online 50/50 draw for the 2022 IIHF World Junior Championship for residences of Ontario. The winners of each 50/50 draw will take home half of the pot, while the other half will remain…

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