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2022-2023 MDHA Bursary Program

By metcalfejets | Feb 20, 2023 |

The Metcalfe District Hockey Association (MDHA) will be providing bursaries to individual MDHA members enrolled in a post-secondary program commencing in the fall of 2023. We are fortunate enough to offer two bursaries funded though legacy funds from the Fred Gillis Family. The funds for our bursaries were raised by the MDHA Midget B Tournament.…

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U15 Canucks Win Gold at Crush Coco Lemay Tournament

By metcalfejets | Dec 14, 2022 |

Congratulations to the U15 Castor River Canucks on winning the 9th Annual Jacques “Coco” Lemay Rep B tournament. The Canucks finished the tournament with an impressive 2-0 shutout victory in the finals. Congratulations to coaches, players, and families! In addition, the Canucks would like to thank the organizers and volunteers from Clarence-Rockland that made this…

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MDHA Winter Fun Day

By metcalfejets | Nov 30, 2022 |

The MDHA is looking forward to hosting a Winter Fun Day December 17th from 9am to 5pm. The morning kicks off with a pancake breakfast (big thank you to the Station 91 firefighters for cooking!) and a coaches vs coaches game. If you are a coach and are interested in signing up to play, please…

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