
Trainer's  Responsibilities

Each team requires one trainer behind the bench during a game. It is helpful to have a couple of parents with their Trainer certification in the event that the official team trainer is unavailable.

  • distribute and collect MEDICAL INFORMATION SHEET
  • check and verify safety of equipment
  • check and verify safety of arena, rink surface
  • available and prepared to render First-Aid
  • work behind the bench during games.
  • Fill out and submit Injury Report forms.
  • Prepare the water bottles for each game ( or get someone to do this).

When do I need to complete an Injury Report?

An Injury Report must be completed and submitted to the Risk & Safety chair when:

  • A player required the assistance of a trainer due to an injury which results in the course of a hockey event
  • A player is taken by ambulance to a hospital
  • If the injury will not allow the player to return to active duty based on a physician's diagnosis
  • If the possibility exists that there could be any expenses related directly to the injury or if a possible claim/suit could result from the injury against the HC. insurance program

It is the Team Management's Responsibility to file claims and reports (submitting them to the VP, Risk & Safety).  Hockey Canada Injury Report In addition, this form must be completed by the trainer any time a player is injured and misses a shift or is removed from the game.

Player medical information sheet

This form has to be completed prior to the first game being played. It is to be kept with the trainer at all events. The MDHA recommends once the forms are completed that you copy them and keep one with the manager and one in the trainers bag. MEDICAL INFORMATION SHEET