2022 AGM

ANNOUNCEMENT:  MDHA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

When:  Monday, May 30, 2022
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Location:  WEB MEETING.  Please email Darryl at webmaster@metcalfejets.ca to attend.

MDHA By-Law 3 - Meetings, Article 1:
1.2 Only members in good standing are permitted to attend the AGM.

Agenda: AGM 2021-21 DRAFT AGENDA
Draft Minutes for Approval: MDHA AGM 2021 Minutes

MDHA Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations / MDHA Executive Code of Conduct

Financial Reports 2021-2022
Treasurer's Report

Board of Directors Reports 2021-2022 season:
VP House Operations
VP Competitive
GHA Convenor
Ice Convenor
U7 Convenor
U9 Convenor
U11 Convenor
U13 Convenor
U15 Convenor
U18 Convenor
Player Development Director
Equipment and Merchandise Coordinator

ELECTION of the following MDHA Board positions:

All members (except the President) will be elected to the Executive and, at the first Executive meeting, they determine the various positions from among the elected membership.

Secondly, here is a list of list of nominees up for election this year:


Julianne Oelke-Simonsen (VP House)
Andrew Penner
Adam Baker
Jessica Dearden
Ward Mallon
Victoria Compton
Steve Brittain
Jason Scholar
Todd Lockett
Deb Monaghan
Jim Kelleher


Motion #1

MDHA BYLAWS; Bylaw 2 Executive; Article 1 Responsibilities of the Executive; Article 1.2

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 1.2 The general management of the MDHA shall be vested in an Executive consisting of: President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President House Operations, Vice-President Discipline & Risk and Safety, Vice-President Competitive, GHA Convenor, Convenor U21, Convenor U18, Convenor U15, Convenor U13, Convenor U11, Convenor U9, Convenor U7, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Equipment & Merchandise Coordinator, Ice Coordinator, Fund Raising Coordinator, Player Development Director and Webmaster who will serve on the Executive with responsibilities in accordance with the MDHA Constitution and By-Laws.

AMENDED ARTICLE: 1.2 The general management of the MDHA shall be vested in an Executive consisting of: President, Immediate Past President, Vice-President House Operations, Vice-President Discipline & Risk and Safety, Vice-President Competitive, GHA Convenor, Convenor U21, Convenor U18, Convenor U15, Convenor U13, Convenor U11, Convenor U9, Convenor U7, Secretary, Treasurer, Registrar, Equipment & Merchandise Coordinator, Ice Coordinator, Fund Raising Coordinator, Player Development Director, Webmaster, Coach Mentor,
Financial Assistance Coordinator and Tournament Coordinator
who will serve on the Executive with responsibilities in accordance with the MDHA Constitution and By-Laws.

RATIONALE: To change the positions of Coach Mentor, Financial Assistance Coordinator and Tournament Coordinator to that of voting members on the Executive, as all positions play a valuable role within the MDHA.

Motion #2

MDHA BYLAWS; Bylaw 2 Executive; Article 1 Responsibilities of the Executive; Article 2.2

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 2.2 The 20 members of the Executive, with the exception of the Past President shall be elected for a two (2) year term at the AGM. To provide continuity the President will be elected in odd years and the Vice-President House Operations in even years. Of the remaining members one-half (1/2) will be elected in alternate years. All members (except the President) will be elected to the Executive and, at the first Executive meeting they determine the various positions from among their membership. The Executive may appoint other members to the
Executive (i.e. Statistician, etc.) but these appointees will hold no voting power on the Executive.

AMENDED ARTICLE: 2.2 The 24 members of the Executive, with the exception of the Past President shall be elected for a two (2) year term at the AGM. To provide continuity the President will be elected in odd years and the Vice-President House Operations in even years. Of the remaining members one-half (1/2) will be elected in alternate years. All members (except the President) will be elected to the Executive and, at the first Executive meeting they determine the various positions from among their membership. The Executive may appoint other members to the Executive (i.e. Statistician, etc.) but these appointees will hold no voting power on the Executive.
Should a voting position be shared between two individuals, (eg. U9 Co-Convenors) that position will only have one
vote at Board meetings.

RATIONALE: To update the number on the Executive to reflect the correct number of members, including newly including voting members of Coach Mentor, Financial Assistance Coordinator and Tournament Coordinator. To formally update the bylaws to reflect the sharing of a role within the Executive and the voting privileges of that position.

Motion #3

MDHA BYLAWS; BYLAW 2 Executive; Article 4 Duties of Members; Article 4.15

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 4.15 The Coach Mentor shall:
  a) Plan, organize and manage all matters relating to the mentorship program of all house league and competitive coaches.

  b) Review of all clinic tasks and other course requirements of all house league and competitive coaches.

  c) Take direction from and report to the VPs of all hockey programs within the MDHA.

  d) Plan and submit a mentoring plan to the MDHA Executive for approval.

  e) Represent the MDHA on all coach mentoring related matters.

  f) Will act as point of contact for all Coaches in the MDHA for the mentoring program.

  g) Will work in conjunction with the Risk and Safety Director for the screening process of all Coaching applicants within the MDHA, and assist with the selection of House League Coaches.

  h) Coach mentor will be appointed by the MDHA Executive and will hold a Non-Voting position within the MDHA

AMENDED ARTICLE: 4.15 The Coach Mentor shall:

  a) Plan, organize and manage all matters relating to the mentorship program of all house league and competitive coaches.

  b) Review of all clinic tasks and other course requirements of all house league and competitive coaches.

  c) Take direction from and report to the VPs of all hockey programs within the MDHA.

  d) Plan and submit a mentoring plan to the MDHA Executive for approval.

  e) Represent the MDHA on all coach mentoring related matters.

  f) Will act as point of contact for all Coaches in the MDHA for the mentoring program.

  g) Will work in conjunction with the Risk and Safety Director for the screening process of all Coaching applicants within the MDHA and assist with the selection of House League Coaches.

RATIONALE: Remove h) to reflect newly approved voting position.

Motion #4

MDHA BYLAWS; Bylaw 2 Executive; Article 4 Duties of Members; Article 4.17

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Not present in current Bylaws

AMENDED ARTICLE: 4.17 The Financial Assistance Coordinator shall be responsible and coordinate the following:

Financial Assistance Program
a) Receive all FAP nominations and applications
b) Approve or deny applicants based on their eligibility upon review of their application and financial disclosure.

c) Once approved, the FAP Coordinator must determine how much financial assistance each applicant is entitled to.

d) Together with the MDHA Treasurer and Registrar, ensure that the approved applicant has the granted amount credited to their MDHA Account. 

Coach and Volunteer of the Year Nominations
a) Receive all nominations for “Coach of the Year” and “Volunteer of the Year”.

b) Along with three (3) chosen members of the board review all nominations and assist in selecting the winner of “Coach of the Year” and “Volunteer of the Year”

Bursary Program
a) Provide secondary schools in the surrounding area with updated bursary information

b) Receive all bursary nominations and applications

c) Review all nominations and applications to ensure that the applicant is eligible, and that the application is complete

d) Present each application to the members of the Board for approval.

e) Receive and relay necessary bursary information from the GHA, HEO and Hockey Canada to all graduating players.

f) Communicate with successful applicants and with the Treasurer, coordinate bursary presentation to recipients. Request from recipients an IP photo and graduation photo and well as post secondary plans for posting to MDHA social media.

RATIONALE: Addition of job description of the Financial Assistance Coordinator, given the approval as a voting position, and to clarify position role.

Motion #5

MDHA BYLAWS; Bylaw 2 Executive; Article 4 Duties of Members 4.18

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: Does not exist in current document.


4.18 The Tournament Coordinator shall:
a) attend all MDHA monthly meetings

b) confirm that the MDHA President has completed and filed the Tournament Sanction form with HEO
during off-season

c) prepare and update the tournament registration forms posted on the Metcalfe Jets website for the three
tournaments held in Metcalfe (U18 A, U18B and U7 Fun Day); dates are pre-determined and assigned by
the GHA

d) email blast to all hockey associations with tournaments dates and information

e) respond/ confirm tournament requests via email

f) confirm with MDHA Treasurer that all teams have paid fees

g) email GHA Ice Scheduler with tournament referee request (include dates and times)

h) prepare and distribute welcome package, including rules and regulations and schedule, to all teams
registered in the tournaments

i) prepare and manage a budget workbook

j) send out volunteer schedule

k) be present at all tournaments/Fun Day to coordinate event

l) communicate with Webmaster tournament results for online TeamSnap Tournament site
m) provide photos and results to be posted to MDHA social media and website
n) present final feedback, including financials, at the end of each tournament

RATIONALE: Addition of job description of the Tournament Coordinator, given the approval as a voting position, and to clarify position role.

Motion #6

MDHA BYLAW 3; Article 2 Executive Meetings; 2.2

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 2.2 Each member of the Executive shall have one (1) vote and the President will have the tie-breaking vote only.

AMENDED ARTICLE: 2.2 Each member, holding a voting position of the Executive shall have one (1) vote and the President will have the tie-breaking vote only, with exception of those sharing a voting position (eg. U9 Co-Convenor). Those sharing a position shall have one (1) vote for the position. 

RATIONALE: Currently there are several members of the Executive sharing the role of Co-Convenor, due to the large volume of work of those positions. At Board meetings if both members are in attendance they have traditionally had one vote between them. This will update our Bylaws to reflect current practice.

Motion #7


ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 3.5 The maximum allowable financial assistance per accepted applicant shall not exceed up to Five Hundred Dollars ($500.00) per calendar year.

AMENDED ARTICLE: 3.5 The maximum allowable financial assistance per accepted applicant shall be approved up to, but not exceeding, 100% of current membership fees, at the discretion of the FAP Coordinator; per calendar year. Should the FAP Coordinator deem it appropriate to provide additional funding, above the current membership fee (eg. including top-up fees, team fees) he/she shall present this request to a sub-committee consisting of the President and three VPs for approval. This approval should then be presented to the Executive as
a whole, as a part of the FAP Coordinator’s report, at the next monthly Board meeting.

RATIONALE: The original article was written when membership fees were $500. This will update to allow discretion to approve up to 100% of the current and future membership fees. The current article does not include the ability to include top-up fees or team fees, which can be substantial and may preclude a player from playing competitive.

Motion #8



2.3 HEO MINOR Code of Discipline game infractions will result in an automatic MDHA Panel Discipline Hearing, ifthe infraction received meets these parameters:
1. 3rd Game Misconduct in a Playing Season.
2. 1st Gross Misconduct in a Playing Season

3. 1st Match Penalty in a Playing Season.


2.3 HEO MINOR Code of Discipline game infractions may, at the discretion of the VP Discipline, result in an automatic MDHA Panel Discipline Review, if the infraction received meets these parameters:
1. 3rd Game Misconduct in a Playing Season.

2. 1st Gross Misconduct in a Playing Season

3. 1st Match Penalty in a Playing Season.

RATIONALE: This regulation was written prior to the automatic triggering of a GHA hearing for these infractions. If a player has already had a HEO and GHA hearing the MDHA may choose not to hold a hearing as this is redundant. The MDHA, may at their discretion, choose to hold a review with the player and impose further education or discipline measures. 

Motion #9

MDHA BYLAWS; REGULATION 1 TEAMS; ARTICLE 3 Team Formation; Article 3.2

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 3.2 The GHA sets down the following R&R 14.6: Member associations with teams at multiple levels within a Corporation House League division/category (e.g. “A”,
“B”, “C”) shall always have as many , or more , players on the higher level team than the lower (i.e. 58 skaters in Atom = 15-A + 15-B1 + 14-B2 + 14-C). No adjustment to teams will be necessary for new registrants after November 15th.

AMENDED ARTICLE: 3.2 The GHA sets down the following R&R 10.7: Member Associations with teams at multiple levels within a Corporation House League division/category (e.g. “A”,
“B”, and “C”) may have no more than one player more on the lower category team(s) as the higher category
team(s) in that division. (i.e. 57 players in U11=13-A + 14-B1 + 15-B2 + 15C). The Association may choose to place more players on the higher category team if deemed in the best interest of the players. No adjustments to teams
will be necessary for new registrants after Nov 15.

RATIONALE: To update Regulations to the current amended GHA rule regarding team formation.