2021 AGM

ANNOUNCEMENT:  MDHA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

When:  Wednesday, May 19, 2021
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Location:  WEB MEETING.  Please email Darryl at mdhawebmaster@gmail.com to attend.

MDHA By-Law 3 - Meetings, Article 1:
1.2 Only members in good standing are permitted to attend the AGM.

Agenda: AGM 2020-21 DRAFT AGENDA
Draft Minutes for Approval: MDHA AGM 2020 Minutes

MDHA Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations / MDHA Executive Code of Conduct

Financial Reports 2020-2021
Treasurer Report

Board of Directors Reports 2020-2021 season:
President (coming soon)
VP House Operations
VP Discipline
Ice Convenor
U7 Convenor
U9 Convenor
U11 Convenor
U13 Convenor
U15 Convenor
U18 Convenor
Player Development Director
Equipment and Merchandise Coordinator

ELECTION of the following MDHA Board positions: (Nominations are being accepted)

All members (except the President) will be elected to the Executive and, at the first Executive meeting, they determine the various positions from among the elected membership.

Secondly, here is a list of list of nominees and vacant positions up for election this year:


Cheryl A. Cooper - President
Julianne Oelke-Simonsen
Mike Branchaud
Matthew D. Graham
Matt Graham
Darryl Swerbrick

Jamie Janes
Chad Guy
Alison Watson
Julia Tuff
Mark Volk
Ward Mallon

Stacey Heins
Adrienne Duncan
Rosanna Ferguson
Jay Kennedy
Chris Rheaume

U21 Convenor
Financial Assistance Program Coordinator

Please complete the Nomination Form and the Volunteer Application Form, as per the MDHA Volunteer Screening. Send the Nomination Form to the MDHA Secretary, mdhawebmaster@gmail.com. The Volunteer Application Form is online and does not need to be emailed. It is completed once the "Submit" button is pressed.


Motion 1 MDHA-Amendment-form-AGM-2020-21-Article-6 MetcalfeJets Logo
Motion 2 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Bylaw 2 Article 2.2
Motion 3 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Bylaw 2 Article 1.2
Motion 4 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Regulation 7
Motion 5 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Regulation 3
Motion 6 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Constitution Article 3
Motion 7 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Bylaw 4 Article 4.14
Motion 8 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Bylaw 4 Article 4.9
Motion 9 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Bylaw 4 Article 4.6
Motion 10 MDHA Amendment form AGM 2020-21 Article 3