Latest News

Info Regarding Proof of Vaccination Guidelines

By metcalfejets | Sep 15, 2021 |

Dear Metcalfe Jets, The Province announced yesterday the requirements for proof of vaccinations for youth sports. While we are awaiting for the official Hockey Canada and Hockey Eastern Ontario interpretation of the guidelines, MDHA will abide by and enforce the vaccination policy as of September 22, 2021. There is no requirement for proof of vaccination…

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U7 Fun Skate

By metcalfejets | Sep 10, 2021 |

Saturday, September 11th Blackburn Arena A-M 4PM-5PM N-Z 5PM-6PM Parents are welcome. Helmets must be worn.

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House Goalie Evaluations

By metcalfejets | Sep 9, 2021 |

Goalie Evals will be held Sunday, 12 Sept, at Bob MacQuarrie Arena, Manley Rink 1490 Youville Dr Timings are as follows: U13 – 8:30-9:30 U15 – 9:30-10:30 U18 – 10:30- 11:30 Please note that U11 goalie evaluations will be held Monday, 20 Sept at 1800 Please continue to check the website for updates and/or changes

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