2023 AGM

ANNOUNCEMENT:  MDHA Annual General Meeting (AGM)

When:  Monday, May 29th, 2023
Time: 7 pm to 9 pm
Location:  WEB MEETING.  Please email Darryl at webmaster@metcalfejets.ca to attend.

MDHA By-Law 3 - Meetings, Article 1:
1.2 Only members in good standing are permitted to attend the AGM.

Draft Minutes for Approval:
MDHA AGM 2022 Minutes

MDHA Constitution, By-Laws and Regulations / MDHA Executive Code of Conduct

Financial Reports 2022-2023
Treasurer's Report

Board of Directors Reports 2022-2023 season:
VP House Operations
VP Competitive
VP Discipline, Risk & Safety
GHA Convenor
Ice Convenor
U7 Convenor
U9 Convenor
U11 Convenor
U13 Convenor
U15 Convenor
U18 Convenor
U21 Convenor
Tournament Coordinator
Coach Mentor & Player Development
Equipment and Merchandise Coordinator
FAP Coordinator

ELECTION of the following MDHA Board positions:

MDHA Bylaws, Article 3 Nominations, 3.1 –The Vacant positions will be posted on the website 30 days prior to the May AGM. Nominations will be sent to the Secretary no later than 2 weeks prior to the AGM.

The following six positions are vacant and will be filled from among the elected membership at the first Executive meeting of the new Board:

Ice Scheduler
Coach Mentor
U7 Convenor
U21 Convenor
Fundraising Coordinator

MDHA Bylaws 2, Article 1, Section 2.2 The 24 members of the Executive, with the exception of the Past President shall be elected for a two (2) year term at the AGM. To provide continuity the President will be elected in odd years and the Vice-President House Operations in even years. Of the remaining members one-half (1/2) will be elected in alternate years. All members (except the President) will be elected to the Executive and, at the first Executive meeting they determine the various positions from among their membership.

Please complete and send the Nomination Form to the MDHA Secretary


There are currently eleven members of the Board, finishing the second of their two-year term. Their names are presented as willing to stand for open positions on the Board, for a new two-year term and, if elected, will be assigned roles at the next Board meeting:

Julianne Oelke-Simonsen
Matthew Graham
Julia Tuff
Tamara Brittain
Stacey Heins
Maryam Sugrue-Foubert
Jay Kennedy
Chris Rheaume
Darryl Swerbrick
Adrienne Duncan
Nick Pommainville


There are currently seven members of the Board returning for the second of their two-year term and will be assigned roles at the first board meeting. Standing members are:
Cheryl A. Cooper -acclaimed Past President
Andrew Penner
Adam Baker
Jessica Dearden
Ward Mallon
Todd Lockett
Deb Monaghan


Motion #1

MDHA Bylaws, Bylaw 3, Article 1, 1.1

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 1.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held during the month of May each year. Its purpose shall be to review the activities of the past season, to carry out elections, to consider Policies and Constitutional and By-Law amendments for the coming season.

AMENDED ARTICLE: 1.1 The Annual General Meeting (AGM) will be held during the month of May each year. Its purpose shall be to review the activities of the past season, to carry out elections, to consider Policies and Constitutional and By-Law amendments for the coming season. The Executive may, at their discretion, choose to conduct the AGM by means of virtual conferencing. All business conducted at such meeting, including all motions duly made, seconded and carried at that meeting, will have the same force and effect as if the meeting had been held in person.

RATIONALE: The Constitution was written prior to the option of virtual meetings. It currently does not differentiate for in-person versus virtual meetings. This amendment updates wording to include both options at the discretion of the Executive.

Motion #2

MDHA BYLAWS, Bylaw 3, Article 2, 2.1

ORIGINAL ARTICLE: 2.1 Executive meetings shall be at the call of the President.

AMENDED ARTICLE: 2.1 Executive meetings shall be at the call of the President. The Executive meeting may be held by means of virtual conferencing. All business conducted at such meeting, including all motions duly made, seconded and carried at that meeting, will have the same force and effect as if the meeting had been held in person.

RATIONALE: The Constitution was written prior to the option of virtual meetings. It currently does not differentiate for in-person versus virtual meetings. This amendment updates wording to include both options at the discretion of the Executive.